A 34-year-old lady presented the following symptoms:
Medical Symptoms and Diagnosis
- No control over bowel movement.
- Diarrhoea, with blood and mucus.
- Weight loss.
- Occasional fever.
- Biopsy revealed ulcers in the colon, indicating ulcerative colitis.
Findings through Regression Therapy
When I regress my client, she moves back into a past life where she is a 14-year-old girl living in a rural part of West India. She gets married, but has no children for a year. There is a lot of pressure from her husband and his family to conceive, because in India during those days if you don’t have children soon you are chided as being barren. One day, the husband is so angry that he inflicts her with a horrible, physical insult by inserting a rod into her anus which burns some of her internal organs. (During this session with my client, I could see her actually experiencing the burning sensation.) Upon burning, the tissues of the organ die and the blood vessels leak, causing mucus and blood to flow out. Thereafter she realizes that when she eats, her condition becomes worse as she is unable to control her bowels. So she stops eating, and within three weeks of bearing the physical insult she dies.
In rural India in those days, it was believed that once a girl leaves her parents’ house after marriage, she was gone for good. She would not be accepted back or given any support to annul the marriage and return to her parents’ home under any circumstances. Hence, no matter what happened, the poor woman continued to live with her husband until she died. She bore the physical and emotional abuse silently, feeling that if she expressed, her husband would leave her without any support.
Metaphor of the Memory in Current Life
In her present lifetime, the lady dated a boy and shared quite a good relationship with him. One day he asks her to have anal sex with him, which she doesn’t like. It triggers the memory of her past life: her husband inserting the rod into her anus. She wants to refuse her boyfriend, but then she fears that, “If I don’t let him do it, he will leave me and go. I should keep him.” So she allows him to have anal sex with her, and the whole act makes her feel terrible and disgusted. Within a few weeks of this episode, she develops the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
This episode with her boyfriend triggers the memory of her past life, where she feels she has to endure her partner’s abuses and insults so that he doesn’t leave her and go without any support.
Condition Post Regression
She has been asymptomatic for the last four years and is taking ASA (acetyl salicylic acid) as a precaution.